Youmacon 2012
It's been quite a few days since I got back from Youmacon 2012 and boy was it insane! I originally scrapped Youmacon from my convention list this year but added it back when a friend asked me to join staff. Although a lot of my time was spent on standby for staffing I did manage to get quite a few awesome photoshoots in this weekend.
Here are just a few photos from Youmacon this year:
There was a slight inconvenience for some people at this con. The main hotel required people to wear a strange paper wristband to prevent the room from having more than four people. Of course, many con-goers have more than this number to make their costs cheaper. It made the convention a little rocky at the beginning but in the end it worked out alright. Just a note, the wristbands were NOT Youmacon's fault. The hotel sprung that on them with little or no prior notice. Even us staffers were surprised!
Another issue I've heard came from a few artists. This year, Youmacon moved the dealers hall and artist alley to another building down the street called the COBO. It did seem like a good idea to help spread the traffic and that second building did have a LOT of room for the events that were moved over there. The problem for artists was that the artist alley was kind of hidden in the back which didn't allow as much through-traffic for people to impulse buy the products that artists were putting out.
Youmacon was still a great con and I will most likely return next year if I can! I missed many of the events but they're doing a great job expanding their events like the Battle Opera (fighting games) tournament they started this year. If you would like to see more photos from the con feel free to stop by my main website at
Until next time!
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